Do we pay enough attention to our own wellbeing?

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That was the question posed at one of our recent Team Engagement sessions

Superbly put together and presented by Judith Lodge we covered how small changes to our lifestyle and daily habits can make a huge difference to our own wellbeing resulting in increased productivity and happiness.

We started by focusing on our own habits:

*What is a habit?

*Good ones?

*Unhelpful ones?

Wellbeing shouldn’t be a chore, an added extra or something you feel you have to do, otherwise it just won’t work.  So how do we break bad habits and build more positive ones without it feeling that way?

Our challenge was to consider and write down three of our habits which we think are helpful and how they help. And then three which are unhelpful and might in some way be holding back our health & wellbeing.

Great stimulation for a good look at ourselves and check the fact that Dopamine is the enemy and Willpower is the friend! Anyone want a copy of the excellent presentation contact John Kirwin direct on 0113 202 7300.

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