Excellence as a representative of the food industry

Penmann - Damian Kirwin nominated for a Lifetime Achievement award

We just wanted to share that we’ve put Damian up for a Lifetime Achievement Award in the Food Industry because we felt it was high time his expertise and total dedication to what he does, really deserves recognition.

Together Damian and brother John perpetuate the values of a family business that sets high standards for achievement and technical excellence.

In his role Damian has over the years consistently helped to maintain high standards in UK Food & Drinks production which, of itself is world leading, through solutions delivering on food hygiene and food standards compliance.

Customers come to Penmann because they have a manufacturing problem. Damian heads the team that devises the solution. Each solution is unique and bespoke to the customer. He doesn’t simply direct, he is ‘hands on’, getting involved with solving the problem and liaising with the customer.

Damian works tirelessly to address customer issues on all levels advocating best practice and ethical, energy efficient solutions: If you are interested you can read more about what drives him, his values and his beliefs here:

‘Damian is proud of the honest approach he instils in everyone at Penmann. If a problem is investigated and resolved through advice and without incurring an upgrade or new system, this represents a very satisfying enquiry. This openness and honest advice which Damian has given freely to customers has resulted in many coming back to Penmann for commercial projects.

The changes in food production during Damian’s career are massive and continue to be so. It’s no longer purely results driven outcomes that are required but a holistic approach to quality, hygienic, energy efficient and maintainable solutions.

Innovation: In the 90’s Damian adopted the fledgling Swedish concept of energy efficient displacement air handling solutions that maximise the use of fresh cool air to deliver it to exactly where it’s needed, ensuring maximum benefit for people, products and processes.

As demand speeds up so too does the need to increase productivity to maximise production assets, address profitability/efficiency and environmental elements, by avoiding the installation of a new line. The alternative is to squeeze more out of the existing equipment in a production unit. Skilled at upgrading equipment to introduce displacement technology, Damian has made significant savings for customers.

He continues to promote and use this effective technology wherever it’s applicable to a project.

Energy efficiency: Damian has always factored in energy efficiency, energy savings and the environment at a standard part of any project. He has seen and assisted with the ‘wake up’ to energy efficiency by food producers but admits it’s been slow to be grasped and taken up in the Food Industry. Now it’s high priority in the quest to reduce production costs and an even more vital part of Damian’s work.

Compliance with Food Standards: Penmann’s clients are required to operate in compliance with a myriad of different standards, whether these are internal, client based (often multiple for one product or site) or legislative. A great deal of Damian’s work is pivotal in achieving this compliance.

Installation in Live environments: Over the course of his career Damian has learned the high standards needed for operation in live food environments, earning him and Penmann a reputation for being ‘good at the difficult’.

Call Damian, John or Andy if you would like to take advantage of the vast store of knowledge, expertise and innovation here at Penmann to help you with your challenges.

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