Changing your perspective on Air Handling Systems

As many UK Food and Drinks producers are faced with FGAS upgrades in order to keep pace with legislation you are likely to be phasing out older non eco-friendly refrigerants. Whilst you’re going through these processes you would also do well to consider upgrading your air distribution systems. 

The temptation is just to replace old air handling systems by bolting on new equipment to your existing distribution system on a like for like basis.

Alternatively, you could take the opportunity to consider the efficiency of your air distribution system in general as upgrading to a displacement air system has the potential to pay sizeable dividends across operations:

  • Significant reductions in refrigeration load
  • Size of the refrigeration plant reduced
  • Substantial capital savings and running costs

Penmann offers a complimentary assessment of your existing air distribution system and a full proposal for upgrade with projected cost savings. We have data we can share to demonstrate real savings and efficiency improvements achieved by other businesses that have adopted displacement air technology as the new way forward.

Change your perspective – another good reason to call Penmann

Here’s how we helped Lamb Weston with a displacement upgrade

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